We are a people-driven organization, bringing together a culture that prizes passion, collaboration, and a commitment to client satisfaction and social impact.



Since establishment, we have focused on fostering a dynamic culture that inspires the growth of our people as much as the growth of our organisation. We are building a people business led by a versatile team of skilled individuals who are able to cater to clients across multinational, local, government and private sector clients.

Working with us opens the door to continuous training and development. The diversity of our industries and the sectors in which we operate exposes our team to clients and projects that enhance both their personal and professional development.

We consider every situation to be a learning opportunity which shapes our people into highly competent individuals who go the extra mile for their clients. That’s why each member of our team is given a bespoke development plan, to ensure their needs are always being met and their limits consistently tested.


Our non-hierarchical approach promotes common ownership of projects, which we see as fertile ground for future leaders to emerge. We encourage our people to shine by instilling in them a sense of leadership and investing confidence in them from the moment they join us.

Our team is inspired to take part in a multitude of training and development opportunities, ranging from individual on-the-job coaching and training, to group knowledge sharing and workshops, to external education courses and events. We encourage participation and out of the box thinking, to sharpen focus, support personal growth, and instil an ambition to succeed.


We prioritise effort and ensure achievement is regularly celebrated. Our people are encouraged to work hard and live well. We invite diversity and creativity, with a culture that champions equal opportunity, irrespective of seniority, length of employment or background.

We like to think we bring out the best in our people, preparing and empowering our teams and clients to explore the limits of their untapped potential.


What makes CID different is its unique work environment that both stimulates personal as well as professional growth. I enjoyed every minute out in the field, as well as working closely with clients. CID’s distinctiveness lies in its ability to bundle its services and address client needs through bringing all CID diverse expertise together to develop unique outcomes that offer innovation, creativity and sustainability. This diverse work environment has enabled me to tackle problems through a holistic approach. In addition to professional growth, CID is family and a supportive backbone to all of us CIDians.

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Farida Farag
CID Alumna

“I have never worked anywhere with a work environment similar to the environment in CID. Moving jobs made me realize how important it is to be around a leadership team, colleagues and a culture that inspires inclusion, care and integrity. CID, for me, wasn’t only a workplace, but rather, a home that makes you feel like you belong, and a school that allows you to have growth mindset in place. The ability to utilize my knowledge across different sectors and projects, while at the same time, dealing with diverse people, was a huge edge in CID.From day one at CID, you work with leaders, you innovate, and you grow under the projects pressure and fast paced decisions. Aside from consultancy, working at CID was also memorable because of the Happiness Committee. A committee that aims to align the employees’ well-being with the company’s culture. I am always glad I was given the chance to think outside the box and introduce new ideas that promote happiness, fun and support to everyone.”

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Caroline Benjamin
CID Alumna

Coming from a research background at the time, I was hoping to expand my marketing communications knowledge beyond my academic experience. CID’s expertise, team friendliness and passion have allowed me to interact with and learn from top professionals and quickly grow into the marketing communications associate I am now. The company’s mission to take part in Egypt’s development is deeply en-rooted in its culture, business language, types of projects it takes and services it offers. CID has an even stronger commitment to bring change to its clients and partners. I have witnessed CID through the rough times and the company’s adaptation, agility and resilience have been a benchmark and ensured a smooth transition to all its stakeholders. One important factor about CID, is that it invests in its team, challenges them to grow and entrusts them through the difficult tasks. Employees’ welfare comes among CID’s top priorities which is something rarely found in other companies and a factor

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Gihan Shata
CID Alumna

My internship at CID during the summer of 2019 was a worthwhile experience, where I was given the opportunity to work on a variety of exciting communication cases and learn from everyone around me. I assisted with both internal and external client communications work, allowing me to gather a deeper understanding of the work that CID does. CID has a unique company culture that shapes motivation and encourages growth.

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Salma Saleh
CID Alumna

I have always had CID Consulting on my radar. I joined the team to work on developmental projects and directly with clients from both the private and public sectors. During this time at CID Consulting, I have found that employees are given a chance to learn, excel and develop. Everyone around here speaks the same language and cares not only about their own interests and progress, but the company’s and the industry at-large. Autonomy, respect and truly listening to each other are some of the greatest assets at CID, in addition, to the support and coaching I receive from everyone ever since I joined. It is a true pleasure being part of such a dynamic team!

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Ahmed Roushdy
CID Alumnus

CID is a company that cares about people; whether employees, partners or clients. Through the years it has been consistently committed to its core values, especially integrity, service, and high professional standards. CID has been growing at a steady pace through the years, branching off into innovative services and areas, and carefully matching its learning and growth with the needs of the society, and the trends of the industry. As a company that cares about the growth of its stakeholders and ultimately of the society, it has a team that is passionate about creating impact, and is empowered to do so in creative ways. In this age of successive digital revolutions, business models are changing, and the way value is delivered to customers is constantly evolving. Consequently, CID will always adapt the way it provides services to the new paradigms and will make sure it is supporting its clients in being ready for the future trends and changes.

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Nermine Ragueh
CID Alumna

CID Consulting’s social entrepreneurial model was the reason behind my attraction to the company. It is an institution that combines between sound corporate values and a genuine institutional and community development mission. CID Consulting has a unique ability to work with public sector, private sector and civil society to develop entrepreneurial solutions to its customers and to the community at large.

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Seif Allah Rabie
CID Alumnus

My work at CID Consulting and the responsibilities I have been given since my first day here have impacted my learning faster than I thought possible. I deal with different and new sectors, and a variety of clients and stakeholders, which has had continuous effects on my growth personally and professionally. Moreover, I am surrounded by a team that not only gives me the space, comfort and opportunity to work hard, but also makes it extremely enjoyable. As an employer, CID stands out due to the trust and support it provides its employees. As a consulting firm, CID ensures the successful delivery of projects as well as client satisfaction due to the dedication, effort and attention to detail the teams devote to every aspect of our services.

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Hend Labib
CID Alumna

After leaving CID, I continued down a very sector agnostic career path, only to realize that CID had exposed me to most areas of business, functions and people. I spent 3 years with CID at a very formative stage of my career and till today I still find myself referencing the “CID way” of doing research, conducting a meeting, handling clients, and meeting deadlines. CID is by all accounts a school for professionals working both in Egypt and internationally.

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Nada El Ahwal
CID Alumna

CID focuses on shared experiences and learnings not just within each department but across its teams. This says a lot about the company’s interest in creating a culture of continuous learning and growth for all its employees. Unlike most employers, CID truly boasts a special way in selecting its team members; employees are not selected solely for their expertise and knowledge but also for their pleasant and ambitious personalities. This results in a friendly workplace with no hidden agendas, a workplace where one belongs and where one enjoys work as a means to savour knowledge and success.

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Hedaya Nabieh
CID Alumna

The uniqueness of CID lies within its exceptional learning environment as well as its mandate towards community development. I’m pleasured to be a part of such a dynamic team that helps building the economy and improving social welfare. CID’s tremendous in-house expertise gives the chance to its employees to personally and professionally excel and develop through the rigorous exposure to projects across different industries. What makes CID different is its sound core values that have been reflected in a professional and friendly working-environment which gets to realize the full potential of its employees in developing innovative solutions to meet the clients’ needs.

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Mostafa Freiga
CID Alumnus

I've been at CID since 2013 and it’s been a continuous cycle of learning and growth since day one. The corporate culture is incredibly supportive, and the entire company is built on the concept of sharing information across our departments, so even if we work in a certain area, our knowledge base continues to expand across other functions. Working as part of the Marketing Communications team enables me to exercise problem-solving and function under pressure on a daily basis, and the nature of our work allows me not only to develop myself, but also fulfill my personal goal of making an impact & improving our society. I’m truly proud to be a part of this exceptional team.

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Yassmeen Malash
CID Alumna

I joined CID Consulting more than 5 years ago as an intern and have had a unique and professional journey all the way till I became a Consulting Specialist. I never thought I would reach this level in such a short period of time. CID made me realize the potential I have to grow and provided me with the opportunities to do so. The company's recognition and support is what motivates me to continue perform at my best. Each year, I am exposed to new roles and responsibilities, contributing to a diverse range of projects, services and accepting new challenges. The exceptional career experience and work environment is definitely what makes CID Consulting different than any other company. The strong supportive relationship with my team who are literally my backbone is what motivates me to grow and perform even better.

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Heba Saleh
CID Alumna

I have been working in CID since 2004. Through its rich portfolio and vast experience in large projects, I was able to gain a lot of skills in the fields of education, health, solid waste management, capacity building for NGOs and companies and design and evaluation of development projects. CID as a consultant works with the vision of developing the society and country through sustainable projects. I have seen CID grow throughout the 11 years I have been here yet with the same level of quality and continuous innovation in its offering.

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Ashraf Maher
CID Community Development Expert

The opportunity to work at CID has been invaluable. It is like being with family; it doesn't ever feel like 'work'. This is exactly the working environment in which people can develop and make a difference because CID supports and believes in their staff. CID has accomplished a lot during its 25 years and is constantly growing, while empowering its team to realize their full potential by handling more and more high profile clients.

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Azza Hussein
CID Partner and Director of Finance

I have been with CID since 2010. During the past years I’ve gained technical strength in areas within my role & outside. Luckily I’ve worked with different teams across projects and this has added a lot to my technical, project management as well as report writing skills. When I entered CID I knew nothing about project management, now I give training in it. The learning whether in your first or 5th year at CID remains very high which comes hand in hand with the exposure across different industries, and particularly the different types of clients since we work with the private sector across many industries and the team is exceptionally cooperative, homogeneous & creative.

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Heba El Sahly
CID Senior Consulting Manager and PMU Head

CID Consulting takes pride in its team and how their collective effort brings value to our clients and partners. CID aspires to reach new levels of innovation, high service performance and effectively contribute to developing Egypt; whether through its people, organizations or companies. We are adamant about engaging with partners with the same aspirations and nurturing the human development in the company to effectively contribute to achieving this mission. CID has evolved throughout the years without losing sight of its mission and values.

Our team has always been on the pulse for new developments in the world of consulting, responding to clients needs with an unparalleled level of agility, and learning through rough times how to nurture resilience and forward looking attitudes.

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Dalia Wahba
CID Chairperson

I joined CID with the aspiration to expand my exposure across different industries and interact with various types of clients. Not only were my expectations met but also, I was impressed by the methodological approach embraced at CID. Thinking creatively about every assignment and approaching clients in a unique and tailored approach is one of the contributing factors for the exponential learning curve I am personally experiencing. Contributing to the team dynamics and observing the impact of each individual team member is a blessing.

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Nada Nael
Consulting Manager

Since I joined CID, I’ve been in a constant learning curve that is stimulating my growth professionally and personally. Not to mention, the positive work environment and teamwork, that is a core value at CID and is a key motivational driver behind us thriving to succeed individually and as a team.

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Mayda Youssef
Business Development Officer


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