Boosting employment and spurring socio-economic growth


As part of the EU-Ministry of Trade and Industry co-funded programme “TVET II- Support to the Technical and Vocational Educational and Training reform programme”, CID partnered with GFA Consulting were tasked with enhancing the relevance and quality of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system through curriculum development, capacity building and quality assurance.

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Over the course of the project we worked to improve the quality of TVET curricula to become responsive to market needs through a participatory approach that included the private sector. In doing so, the project sought to improve the quality of existing programs and introduce new programs in secondary vocational schools, technical colleges, and vocational training centers. To achieve this, we adopted a three-pronged approach. Firstly, we established a new national competency based curriculum framework based on employment market demand that was the first to be adopted in the Egyptian TVET sector. Secondly, we implemented a system and set of policies for the continuous development of TVET teachers and trainers. Finally, we introduced a quality assurance system, which includes arrangements for institutional accreditation.


To date, we have launched 31 new competency-based programs through 12,000 TVET teachers and managers. Along with developing curricula for sectors including ready-made garments and electrical installations, we successfully piloted these curricula through the Productivity and Vocational Training Department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, as well as through vocational schools under the Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MOETE). To ensure institutional sustainability, 140 MOETE staff will be trained on implementation of the newly-developed curricula, over 400 curriculum developers were trained on the competency-based model we designed, and 50 training programs were developed to support in introducing the new and revised curricula.


I have a positive experience working with CID for the last four years in the frame of a consortium between GFA Consulting Group and CID; implementing one component for the GIZ Labour Market Access Project to help improve the quality of employment in small and medium enterprises. CID is known as a professional consulting firm specialized in coordinating and implementing development cooperation projects. In our partnership, CID has provided the project with the staffing needs which is key for the successful execution of the project. All the proposed experts are professional and competent experts who work in a variety of technical and capacity building related fields such as strategic planning, organizational development, marketing and branding, facilitation and trainings. CID is further reputable for managing staff and expert contracts in compliance with the relevant labor, tax and insurance laws. Lastly, the CID staff is positive, engaging and cooperative to work with.

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Maha El Moaz
Team Leader, GFA Consulting Group

We have been impressed by CID’s professionalism, accessibility and candor. CID has vast experience in the area of media relations and community engagement and has helped us better understand the practice of social responsibility in Egypt. It is always a pleasure to work with professionals who are passionate and knowledgeable about their work and we would wholeheartedly recommend CID to any corporation seeking to improve its media and community engagement in Egypt.

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Marc Dupont
Government & Public Affairs Director, Methanex Corporation – Egypt