Enhancing Human Resources Management Across Various Practices


GIZ launched the Strengthening Reform Initiatives in Public Administration (SRIP) with the aim of assisting the Egyptian government to support civil servants while adjusting to organizational and regulatory changes taking effect in the government units.  The project aimed to support the administrative reform initiative and government reform efforts, enhance the knowledge and skills of HR professionals, and enable the transformation of the role of HR professionals from a personnel-oriented role to a strategic role.

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The CID project team initiated this assignment by developing an understanding of the Human Resources Management (HRM) context in the government sector. Then, based on the most recent regulations and after aligning with global HR best practices, the project team developed an HRM toolkit that includes explanations of the main HR functions, concepts, and processes in a concise, simple manner complemented by templates and tools to assist HR professionals in performing their tasks. The HRM toolkit was also converted into an e-book that provides engaging, interactive content to its readers.  The CID team reviewed the HR organogram and mandate in CAOA Decree no.22 of 2019, provided recommendations in alignment with the HRM best practices that fit the context of the Egyptian government sector, and drafted relevant job description cards. Training materials on the HRM toolkit were developed to be utilized in future capacity-building programs. Finally, to complement the HRM toolkit, an awareness-raising campaign was developed to promote the usage and benefits of the HRM toolkit.


The project efforts resulted in creating an HRM toolkit that covers various HR functions: strategic human resources management, organizational development, HR planning, recruitment, performance management, learning and development, compensation and benefits, and HR operations and employee relations. The toolkit presents informative, concise content that suits the needs of the HR professionals in the government sector, aligns with the regulatory framework reforms and familiarizes them with the global best practices in human resources. The project also resulted in creating digitized interactive content of the HRM toolkit and training materials to leverage the HR professionals' understanding of the toolkit’s content to help them assume their new strategic roles.


Preparing Save the Children’s “Childs Rights Situational Analysis” Report and organizing the program’s roundtable were a time consuming process, but thanks to the cooperation of the CID team, we had such good results. The quality of the report has been recognized as very high, and we were able to communicate all our messages and recommendations to potential partners and allies. We very much appreciated the team’s cooperation and support through this process.

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Yara Abdul-Hamid
Consultant, Save the Children UK

Having had CID as a partner for the last 10 years in providing support to the Egyptian business community, I have seen that through hard work and a high level of professionalism, CID has now become a first class consulting company, with experienced and motivated consultants, coached by dedicated partners and recognized as a sharp and reliable service provider to the Egyptian industry and community.

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Pierre Mahy
Managing Director, Alagon S.A.